Comparing a business’s key financial ratios with industry standards and with its own past results can highlight trends and identify strengths and weaknesses in the business. Financial statement information is most useful if owners and managers can use it to improve their company’s profitability, cash flow, and value. Getting the most mileage from financial statement […]
Top Tax Benefits of Real Estate Investing
Real estate investing comes with significant tax benefits. Find out how to identify the top tax strategies for maximum benefit and how to use them to your advantage come tax time. As with all deductions, consult your tax accountant for the most up-to-date on what is/is not allowed regarding tax deductions related to real estate […]
How Small Businesses Can Use Artificial Intelligence
Science fiction movies and books may portray artificial intelligence as a human-like giant brain with thousands of wires coming from it that control whole cities and their populations. The reality today is that artificial intelligence is unobtrusive, everywhere, and we are interacting with it multiple times daily without always recognizing that we are. Artificial intelligence […]
Three Tax-Friendly Strategies for Charitable Giving
Obtaining a significant tax benefit for charitable contributions may be a little harder than it used to be, but it’s not impossible. Here’s a look at how the tax landscape for charitable giving has changed and three strategies that could help taxpayers get better tax mileage from their donations. What Has Changed? Because the deduction […]
4 Tips on How Small Businesses Can Reduce Taxes
As a small business owner, tax liability is the money you owe the government when your business generates income. With changing laws and gray areas regarding deductions, exemptions, and credits, it’s no wonder small business owners rank taxes at the top of the list of the most stress-inducing aspect of business ownership. To reduce that […]
How to Protect Yourself from Tax Identity Theft
It can happen online or offline. Are you taking steps to protect your identity? As you work on your 2021 income tax returns, the IRS is still catching up from the 2020 tax year. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the problems it caused for all kinds of businesses and government agencies, there are reports […]